
Mime Hunters Volume One

Hi gang,

So, the comic's finished, and there will be no more weekly updates for the foreseeable future. I'm going to leave a "table of contents" here in the top blog post. I'm also working on turning this into some kind of physical format, if anyone's interested in having a hard-copy of this story, so stay tuned for that. I'd like to do a Volume Two, but volume one was so draining; it might be a while before I pick up my pen again. I've got lots of ideas though. Anyway, thanks for reading, tell all your friends, etc...



The Short Goodbye

Hey gang,

So I've finally made it. The last comic. I finished drawing the final panel yesterday. It's been a very crazy year of drawing and I'm glad to be done. I don't have much more to say, for now. Happy New Year everyone!

Stay tuned for Mime Hunters: Volume 2!