
Mirabelle's Reverie

Hi guys,

Late update this week because of the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Please enjoy this Mirabelle-centric chapter. She's pretty awesome I think.

This is a fun one. I really like the staircase I drew. Not much else to mention. Hope everything is going well with everyone. That's all I got. Tell all your friends!


Joyeux anniversaire!

Eh, l'auteur, bon anniversaire, mon vieux! Ce n'est pas si mal que ça, quand même; il y aura un cadeau, cependant. Les mimes n’oublient jamais!

"Let's Split Up"

Hi readers,

I'll keep this update quick, because it's very late and I'm sleepy. This is chapter nine, which is quite the awesome one.

It's got a classic buddy-oriented action/comedy setup. You get to spend time with the two male leads. Characters split up, which is always a great plot device. There's some awesome artwork, including one really special page. The Gipper makes another appearance. There's a ton of explosions. I think this chapter delivers everything one could possibly ask of a comic.

Enjoy this one! And stay healthy!


City Sickness

Are you ready?

This is a cool one, format-wise, because it's basically split in half. Doesn't everyone love having characters split up like this? This issue also has my favorite front page ever --- minimal and good-looking. I was finally becoming able to draw Mirabelle in different poses without making her look like a football player. Also, all the townspeople. And the shading. Good fun. Lots more work, but worth it.

I think this chapter marks the point where I finally arrived at a solid artistic style that was ambitious (for me), yet consistent and replicable. From here on out, the issues more or less look like this one, visually. Once I get around to doing Volume Two of the Mime Hunters, I'd like the whole thing to be in this style from Chapter One. That will be deeply satisfying for me.



Alors, qu'es-ce qui ce passe ici! Ça va pas, non! Si vous croyez que nous allons rester gentilment silencieux pendent que vous nous representez comme des mimes ansi, il faut vous dire que NON! Jamais! Allons, les gars! Trouvez-moi l'artist! J'ai quelque chose a lui dire -- en silence absolue.


Bad Guy Stuff

Good evening, readers

Chapter Seven. We're about to cross the halfway point. This is a fun one. Some villains get fleshed out a tiny bit. The comic shows its first partial nudity. There's a flashback. Olympian feats of agility. Background gradients continue to pop up more and more frequently. I hope you like it.

This was a fun one to draw. Emily was photographing a wedding in Tarrytown, NY; I was holed up in the hotel all day. I drew this one while watching music videos. I put in the equivalent of a full workday and managed to finish the drawing for the entire comic. There was still a lot of work to do in the computer when I got back to Brooklyn, but still, fun. I like spending an entire Sunday doing these, because then I get to pretend that drawing comics is my full-time job.

As Bruce Willis might say: fasten your seat belts. Next week this comic goes into overdrive. In the meantime, tell all your friends! Awesome!